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What is Resume, Curriculum Vitae, Bio-Data

     In this article, I explained What is Resume, Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Bio-Data, and  the Difference Between Resume Vs Curriculum Vitae (CV) Vs Bio-Data.


Difference Between Resume vs CV vs Bio-Data

What is Resume

Ø  Resume is a French word it means “Summary of one’s education qualification”.

Ø  It must be short (1 page), if you are experienced employee than it may be 2 pages.

Ø  The content of the resume is your Objectives, Achievements, Skills, Education Qualification, Experience that are related to Job Description and which are your important achievements in your career that are mentioned and highlight in the resume.

Ø  The Order of the resume is Latest to Earliest, it means Starts with latest career position to the earliest position, example: Current Position in your career then, your UG details and then your school details.


Resume Sample:


Sample Resume 

What is Curriculum Vitae (CV)

        ü  Curriculum Vitae (CV) is Latin word it means “Couse of Life”.

        Ã¼  It must be large (3 to 4 pages).

        Ã¼  The content of the CV is what ever achievement are done in your life are                      mentioned in it, like, Education , Personal details and Contact information,                  Professional experience, Awards and Honours, Qualification and skills,                          Certifications, marital status, etc.

        Ã¼  Your CV should be clear, concise, complete, and up-to-date with current                     employment and education information.

Sample Curriculum Vitae (CV):


Sample Curriculum Vitae (CV)

What is Bio-Data

  1. It is your personal and professional details are mentioned in the Bio-Data.
  2. The size of  bio-data is vary for each person, there is no standard no. pages.
  3. The content of the bio-data all about yourself like, parent details, house address, height and weight, eye-power, marital status, etc.
  4. It is not used for Professional Purpose, so you can mention all about yourself.


Sample Bio-Data:


Sample Bio-Data

Uses of Resume, Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Bio-Data:

  • Resume and CV are mostly used for Professional Purpose (Jobs), Different Countries follows different methods in US – CV and Resume for Jobs.
  •  Bio-Data is all about your personal details, In india mostly Bio-Data is used for Alliance ( details about Groom or Bride) to know about each other. 

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